Born     San Simón el Alto, Malinalco, Mexico, 1989
Lives     Tepoztlán, Mexico
He is a visual artist, set designer and draftsman. Abraham González Pacheco’s work stems from an interest inand romanticization of Mexican history, as well as the inexistence of a historical archive of his hometown, SanSimón el Alto, located in the municipality of Malinalco in the south of the State of Mexico. From this, he imagines archaeological fictions through drawing, starting from the landscape and its accelerated transformation linked to different political and identity interests, institutional corruption, centralization of the population, and the cityand its peripheries. With his work he proposes an alternative narrative that feeds back on the gaps left by theofficial history and also manages in this exercise to question the idea of “identity” imposed on a large part ofthe Mexican population.
These processes have given rise to various projects, such as Yacimiento 34, a fictitious archaeological sitein the Buenos Aires neighborhood in Mexico City. This work included a medium-depth excavation and a site museum that invited locals to take a glimpse into their immediate past through the objects found. Abraham has dedicated himself to recording and reinterpreting these objects through drawings, generating a personal archaeology of them. His large-format drawings function as scenographic elements in public spaces and exhort other artistic agentsto appropriate these: from there was born Centros y Periferias Inestables, a project supported by the National Fund for Culture and the Arts 2016-2017 (FONCA) for young creators.He is founder of Obra Negra, contemporary graphic editions, focused on publishing and generating artisticlinks between young Mexican artists.
He is currently working on the project Las piedras hablan cuando la historia calla supported by the Fondo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes (FONCA) with a grant for youngMexican artists. He has presented his work in different museums and cultural spaces in Mexico such as the Centro Culturalde las Artes de San Luis Potosí, the Museo interactivo de Durango, the Museo Leopoldo Flores de Toluca, theLaboratorio de Arte Alameda and the Museo Universitario de Ciencias y Artes de Ciudad Universitaria (UNAM). His work is part of the collection of the Zuckerman Museum of Art (USA) and Galleria Civica d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea (Italy) .